How does creativity ability develop in children?
Every child is born with a certain capacity and possesses creative thinking. Children who have the opportunity to use it often stand out with their original thinking abilities and imagination. Creativity develops in an environment where children find freedom, support, and encouragement. Adults play a significant role in encouraging children's creativity by respecting their ideas and involving them in various creative activities.
16 October, 2023 by
How does creativity ability develop in children?
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The foundations of creativity in children are typically built on imagination, curiosity, freedom, and support. Imagination is a fundamental attribute for children to generate new ideas, create stories, and enrich their thought processes. Curiosity encourages children to explore and learn about the world around them. Freedom provides children with the space to engage in creative activities, express themselves, and create their projects. Additionally, adult support and encouragement are crucial to stimulate children's creativity. Adults should listen to children's ideas, appreciate them, and encourage their participation in creative activities. These foundations help children develop creative thinking skills and unleash their creative potential.

Children who are not hindered from using their creativity often stand out with their original thinking skills and imagination. These children tend to break free from dogmatic thought patterns and are capable of finding different and creative solutions to problems. Furthermore, they can express their emotional expressions through art, writing, music, or other creative activities. Children with creative abilities are equipped with a sense of curiosity and exploration and are eager to travel around the world and learn. These talents may vary depending on their interests; some may excel in artistic areas such as painting, writing, or music, while others may develop creative ideas in problem-solving or scientific fields. Families and educators can find various ways to support and encourage these children's talents so that their creative potential can be fully realized. Children with creative abilities can play an important role in societal innovation and progress.

Creativity in children

It refers to the ability to generate new and original ideas, solve problems in creative ways, think differently, and use the power of imagination. Creativity enriches children's thinking processes and contributes to their emotional, intellectual, and social development.

developing creativity in children

Some of the key features of creativity in children can be listed as follows:

  • Imagination: Children can think about different scenarios, create stories, and imagine future projects using their imagination.
  • Divergent Thinking: Creative children have the ability to think in unconventional ways. They develop the skill to consider different perspectives and solution methods when addressing any problem. 
  • Originality: Creative children are capable of generating new ideas and approaches. They possess the ability to think differently and uniquely compared to others. 
  • Problem Solving: Creative children can effectively solve complex problems in creative ways. This can help them overcome challenges they encounter in their daily lives and in school. 
  • Emotional Expression: Creativity enhances the ability to express emotions. Through creative activities like art, music, or writing, children can express their feelings. 
  • Curiosity and Exploration: Creative children tend to explore the world around them with curiosity. They are eager to learn new things.
  • Self-Directed: Creative children often have the ability to develop and guide their own projects based on their interests.. 

Creativity in children is developed in an environment where they find freedom, support, and encouragement. Adults play a significant role in fostering children's creativity by encouraging their ideas and facilitating their participation in various creative activities. Creativity can be nurtured as a lifelong skill and, when supported, can help children express themselves, learn, and communicate better with others.

Factors in society that can hinder creative thinking in children:

Creative thinking in children can be hindered by several factors and negative influences. Firstly, children who are frequently criticized or evaluated negatively may lose their self-confidence. Consequently, they might tend to fear the reactions of others and become hesitant to express their ideas. Additionally, overly structured and stagnant activities can dull children's creative thinking. It is essential not to hinder children from creating their own games and using their imagination freely instead of filling their free time with overly structured activities. Excessive technology dependency can also negatively affect creative thinking. Children who are constantly engaged with screens may forget to explore the natural world and use their imagination. Furthermore, highly structured education systems, exam pressure, and a focus on memorizing specific information can limit creative thinking. As a result, creativity can be stifled. In conclusion, factors such as criticism, excessive structuring, technology dependency, and rigorous educational systems can compromise creative thinking in children. Encouraging creativity, boosting self-confidence, and supporting children in free exploration can help mitigate these negative effects.

Another factor that can stifle creative thinking in children is an excessively competitive environment. This type of competition can lead children to feel more results-oriented and pressured to succeed, which may push creativity to the background. Moreover, a fear of making any mistakes or experiencing failure can cause children to avoid taking risks and restrict their creative thinking processes.

Factors that disrupt creative thinking in children
Another factor that can hinder creative thinking is rigid thinking and societal norms. Children might suppress their own ideas in order to conform to the norms and expectations accepted by society.

This can make them hesitant to think differently and find creative solutions. In the end, an over-structured child lifestyle can hinder creative thinking. Continuously programmed activities and constant adult supervision can limit children's opportunities for independent exploration and the development of creative projects.

All of these factors can restrict creative thinking in children. Therefore, it is important to encourage children's creativity by providing a positive environment, offering support, giving positive feedback instead of criticism, and allowing children the freedom to explore and express themselves.

Understanding children with their creative thoughts means valuing their unique and original personalities. Each child's creative potential is different, and exploring, understanding, and encouraging this potential can help them express themselves and gain a deeper understanding of the world. When you understand children through their creative thoughts, you are showing that you value their curiosity and interests. You are respecting their emotional expressions and imagination and encouraging them to develop their own projects. This boosts their self-confidence and helps them develop the ability to generate unique ideas and find creative solutions. Understanding children with their creative thoughts allows us to better understand each other and play a supportive role in children's growth and development processes.

To help children develop their creative abilities, you can consider the following methods:

  • Play and Free Play Opportunities: Provide opportunities for children to play creative games. Encourage their creativity by playing with puzzles, sticky notes, blocks and other toys or by playing improvised games. 
  • Arts and Crafts: Painting, drawing, crafts, and other art activities can help children develop their creativity. Let them experiment with different materials and help them create their own designs.
  • Storytelling and Writing: Help children develop creative writing skills by providing story-writing opportunities. Encourage them to use their imagination to create stories. 
  • Nature Explorations: Nature walks and nature explorations develop children's observation skills and help them develop an interest in the natural world. You can encourage their creativity by examining patterns, colors and forms in nature.
  • Music and Dance: Listening to music can help children develop their emotional expression and sense of rhythm. Help them express their creativity by letting them play musical instruments or dance.
  • Asking Questions and Solving Problems: Encourage children to ask questions and help them solve problems their own way. This is critical thinking and creative solving 
  • Stimulate Imagination:  Encourage children's imagination. Give them time and space to dream, create stories, and consider different scenarios. 
  • Reading More Books: Reading books helps children develop language skills and enrich their imagination. Encourage them to read different types of books. 
  • Role Play:  Provide opportunities for children to role play. This can help them develop empathy and think creatively by portraying different characters. 
  • Patience and Support: Children require patience and support as they develop their creativity. Help them understand that mistakes and failures are part and parcel, and don't be afraid to share your constructive experiences with them.
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Every Child Thinks Creatively

Creativity is an important skill that helps children develop their thinking abilities using their imagination and originality. These methods can help children encourage creative thinking.

Listening to children in their own creative languages also means giving them the opportunity to express themselves. Each child has a unique story and thought process, and these unique perspectives and ideas help us see the world in a richer and more diverse way. Understanding children means sharing their excitement, fears, disappointments, and joys. This kind of understanding builds a strong connection and boosts children's self-confidence. Furthermore, encouraging and supporting children's creative thinking helps them become more confident and independent individuals in the future. Understanding children in their own creative thoughts is an important step in sharing the growth and learning experience and contributes to their development.

Supporting children as they are, discovering and nurturing their potentials, is important. Every child has unique interests and talents, and recognizing these abilities can play a critical role in shaping their future interests and career paths. Encouraging children's creative thinking skills can make them better problem solvers and learners. Understanding children in their own creative thoughts also helps us develop empathy because it assists us in better understanding their perspectives and emotional experiences. For all these reasons, understanding children in their own creative thoughts can help them build a strong foundation for a happier, more successful, and fulfilling life.